By completing the registration process, it is understood that any individual registering/listed will be bound by the Pebble Creek Pool Rules and Regulations set forth by Pebble Creek Property Owners Association, Inc. for use of the pool and that everyone listed are permanent household residents. You also agree that you and your family’s pool privileges can be suspended or revoked, and you may be fined by the Board of Directors for non-compliance of the rules and regulations, or for falsification of any provision on this registration and that management has the right to use its enforcement authority as provided in Article VIII of the Pebble Creek Amended and Restated Protective Covenants and/or Section 55-513 of the Property Owners’ Association Act of Virginia. This registration serves as a formal agreement signed between Pebble Creek Property Owners Association, Inc. and the registering individuals.
Accounts must be current on their assessments/other fees owed to gain access to the pool.
The Pebble Creek Pool Rules and Regulations can be found on the www.pebblecreekcourier.com website or can be obtained by contacting the site office at (804) 559-9088 or pebble.creek.poa@comcast.net.
To register your new account please complete the following steps:
- Complete the form below and submit.
- Management will validate your account and move you into an active status.
- You will be notified and will be ready to login to your new account and complete registration of your family.
We ask that when you first log into the new system, please take a moment to verify all your account information and make any corrections needed. If you have any questions or need assistance with any changes, please contact us at pebble.creek.poa@comcast.net.
To log into your new account please complete the following steps:
- Click on the Member Login link at the upper top right of the page. The username and password for your account is your street number followed by the street code below. The default password is pebblecreek (all lowercase).
- BGL – Bear Grass Lane
CHC – Clay Hills Court
CRC – Clear Run Court
CC – Creekway Court
DCD – Deep Creek Drive
EPC – Emerald Pool Court
EL – Empresstree Lane
FWC – Falling Water Court
FPC – Fishtail Pond Court
GCC – Garden Creek Court
GPW – Gold Pebble Way
GC – Goodlife Court
GHD – Green Haven Drive
- GCR – Greystone Creek Road
HD – Havenview Drive
HR – Homehills Road
ITC – Indian Trails Court
LHD – Lake Haven Drive
LWW – Lake Willow Way
NCP – Northfall Creek Parkway
OEW – Old Estates Way
OTL – Old Track Lane
PPP – Pebble Path Parkway
PEC – Pond Edge Court
- PGR – Pond Grass Road
PPW – Pond Place Way
RL – Redvine Lane
RLC – Rolling Lawn Court
SOC – Shady Oak Court
SWL – Shady Woods Lane
SP – Silktree Place
SL – Silverbell Lane
SC – Softmoss Court
SR – Sugarpine Road
SL – Sweetbay Lane
TL – Trumpetvine Lane
WSL – Walking Stick Lane
WDR – Willow Dance Road
YL – Yellowrose Lane
- Add and delete members. To do so, click the “+” sign and add any members needed. If you need to delete a member, click on the trashcan icon next to each member and delete. Please remember, all members must have the same permanent address. Caretaker and grandchild passes may be purchased through the site office and will be added to your account once payment and necessary information is received. Added members will default to UNPAID until management confirms their addition.
- Edit all info for each member. To do so, click on the pencil icon next to each member’s name. Date of birth and photo are required for all individuals.
- Upload a face shot of each individual in your family membership under their name. To do so, click on Manage Account, Account Details, add each photo by clicking on the camera icon after each member’s name. Please use a close-up headshot or cropped face photo. Photos are MANDATORY and pool access may be denied until we have a photo on file for each individual listed on the account.
- Add emergency contact info. To do so, click on the red pencil icon next to emergency contact info and add the correct info.
PLEASE NOTE: The ability to add family members to your account is a privilege designed to make the transition to Member Splash easy for both members and management. Please do not take advantage of this privilege. “Permanent Household Residents” means individuals residing together with that household address as their primary residence. Parents having custodial rights of minor children may add their minor children. Persons residing temporarily at the residence such as visitors, relatives, childcare workers, nannies, grandchildren, grandparents, or other temporary occupants of the home shall not be considered part of the family unit for the purposes of membership.
~ Proof of residency is required for all non-owner individuals listed age 21 and older in the form of a valid VA driver’s license (please mark through ID number before submitting) showing they reside at your household address. Please email separately to pebble.creek.poa@comcast.net with your address in the subject line so we can verify and confirm their addition. If you add individuals to your account who are not verified, permanent household residents, management reserves the right to remove them. ~